Quoted by the man himself, Albert Einstein: “What is best is not always popular and what is popular is not always best" still applies constantly in our everyday lives.
A recent example that resembled this quote was the 2019 NBA finals. The most popular team by a mile, the Golden State Warriors, were the favourite to win the NBA title with their overrated star power. But steadily and unexpectedly the Toronto Raptors took out the competition one by one and eventually took out the Golden State Warriors to win it all.
Here at Koda, we believe this situation relates closely to the Wordpress vs Drupal debate. Wordpress like the Golden State Warriors is by far the most used CMS in the world. But don't let that convince you that it is the best platform for your business to use. As outlined in our previous blog comparing the two CMS's we established that although it is easy to use, it is not even close to being the most practical. Similar to the Warriors, it all looks flashy and cool from the outside but once you dig a bit deeper, you realise that it could be too good to be true.
Then there is Drupal like the Toronto Raptors, the silent killer. It's not the most used content management system around but don't let that fool you into thinking its not any good. Similar to the Toronto Raptors situation, they didn't seem to be that much of a threat until you realised how consistent and composed they were in all areas of their game. Again, outlined in our previous blog, we discuss how practical and flexible the Drupal system can be for you despite appearing as an underdog for most.
Interestingly, the NBA website is developed with Drupal.
If you are interested in finding out how your business can benefit from Drupal, give us a call on +64 9 448 1215 or send a message to us through our Contact Us page.