Who are we
A team that share a common vision of delivering exceptional websites that add value to your business operations. We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence as we develop online solutions that meet and often exceed, project requirements.
We believe in the ideal that software should assist your business operations rather than dictate them. Our business experience coupled with our skilled development team and our desire to continually deliver web solutions that work, position us well to assist you with new and existing web work.
Our experienced team is able to deliver well designed, well-engineered, feature rich web based solutions utilising our platforms of choice Drupal and Magento. For custom development we utilise existing frameworks like Laravel, Angular and Ruby on Rails to ensure our code follows industry recognised standards.
The opportunity to work with you to deliver your new online project, we see as the chance to develop a long lasting mutually beneficial relationship between you and the Koda Web team.
Meet the Team
Koda Web Design is located on Auckland's North Shore. With a passion for all things web and a number of years of working together, Koda Web was founded by a team of like-minded web designers and developers.
Our team is driven by the vision to deliver exceptional websites that add value to your business operations. When it comes to developing online solutions, we strive for excellence and often exceed customer expectations.
We believe in the ideal that software should assist your business operations rather than dictate them. Our business experience, combined with our development team's skills, position us well to assist you with both new and existing web projects.
Our experienced team can deliver well-designed, well-engineered, feature-rich web based solutions. As part of our custom development process, we specialise in NodeJS, ReactJS and React Native as our languages of choice. We have been developing on this particular Technology Stack for over 8 years, building some interesting online solutions that solve client challenges.
Our goal is to develop a long-term mutually beneficial relationship with you and Koda Web by delivering your new online project.

We are keen supporters of our community. We recognise the challenge many clubs, sports teams and other non profit groups have in gaining funding for their activities.
We have a simple solution that allows you to establish a website that can showcase your sponsors, provide a tangible return on investment for their support commitment while also providing an effective forum on which information relating to the endeavour can be shared. We offer this solution free to qualifying groups.
This platform is available for any school or community organisation seeking to generate sponsorship funds for upcoming initiatives.
We support the online platforms of a number of charities, helping these organisations establish websites that support the service they are offering. One site is nzwargraves.org.nz. Koda has been a proud supporter of the NZ Wargraves Trust for many years. The website offers a wide range of functionality including virtual cemetery tours, extensive casualty information and the ability for the public to contribute both fact and tribute type submissions.
If you'd like to know more please contact us here or call on 09 448 1215.