Now in the second quarter of these uncertain times, we are finding that many businesses are asking us how we are getting on with the lockdown, we would like to let those that we connect with know how we view the current situation.
Most operators in the IT and Online Development sector are working hard to keep things going, with nearly all of their teams operating remotely from home, this includes large companies such as Microsoft and Google.
Koda's team are fully operational, working on current projects, new requests and providing urgent assistance for our clients to keep things moving.
Most staff have very good home work stations, understandably being techies this is what they love and invest in.
Working remotely has been relatively easy for most IT businesses where plans were in place for such events. And although it sounds good with no commuting and some home comforts, it often means extra focus is required.
Many businesses may not have had a complete pandemic plan as part of their overall business continuity strategy and as the Lockdown came on so quickly, a number of businesses had little time to prepare or adjust, so weren’t as ready as they would have liked.
It takes much adjusting, stress management and continued hard work to support your customers and their businesses, it is not all easy, thankfully most are doing well and are continuing to move forward.
As announced in the latest GlobalData report, most areas in the IT sector will take a hit too. The report shows companies that work within IT sectors for applications and services outside of business hours e.g. Social Media and Gaming will be the least impacted (understandably) and for those supporting regular 9 to 5 businesses, such as Security, Cloud Computing (online systems/apps) and eCommerce will see some minor impacts.
This is where we can help support your operation in adjusting to the current climate.
We offer quick simple low cost options for getting forms, orders and ecommerce systems up and operational, or backend operating systems to take pressure off manual processes, the phones and email orders. We offer integration with other systems to relieve pressure on data entry, and products that assist the efficiency of your online platform.
We have a broad portfolio of solutions, from very small electronic ordering systems that generate a purchase to be picked up, to full million+ product lines ecommerce / bizcommerce systems that deliver exceptional efficiencies and performance. Supporting these systems is a designated security team which is aligned with our cloud services for reliable reach and cost effective operation.
For many businesses this is a time to consolidate some processes, balance some costs and seek efficiencies to prevent a negative impact on their operations - technology systems help this process.
Our developments offer a range of options to support your business processes, be they internal inter branch transactions, B2B or full ecommerce systems, our proven capability can help ensure your investment in online transaction efficiency is maximised.
During this challenging time we have worked hard to help our customers gain a positive return on their investment.
Find out how, with online systems, we can support your operating processes and communications. To find out more give us a call or complete our contact form here, we are happy to help.