With the recent changes to the ways in which we work, particularly with the move to remote working, many businesses were left feeling unprepared. This resulted in a struggle to effectively deliver the same level of service and interaction that was previously possible.
These businesses often experienced difficulty in effectively co-ordinating information and data, and as a result found the need for online forms and central communication portals (extranets).
For a number of businesses an ecommerce offering wasn’t available; for others, web forms and technical information drawn from a combination of databases were never needed. These functionalities can be technical and are usually built in when new websites are developed.
Many thought they had to build a whole new website to achieve this functionality, while some found that their graphic design/print agents were not able to deliver the required capabilities and didn’t explore the idea any further.
However there is available options that provide an easy fix to this; by using separate technology applications linked to content on your current website you are able to add “optional extra” web applications to your current online presence.
Through the utilization of subdomains, sites can provide additional pages that allow for online forms or extranets, while still keeping the current website intact and aligning with branding and graphic design standards.
Understandably there is much to learn with Web Apps technology and with constant changes occurring, it can be hard to keep up. We encourage you to get in touch with any questions you may have, as we are very happy to discuss them with you and let you know what your options are.
Find out how Koda can support your internal communication efficiencies, intranets, extranet and online functionality with added optional extras. Give us a call or complete our contact form here, we are happy to help.