Is your website set up for Gold and to compete with its peers or do you have a Jeffrey Julmis in the 2016 Olympics? It looked the part, it was a bit flash, a bit cocky but fell over at the first hurdle. Like an Olympic athlete, if your website is going for gold it needs to get some of the things below correct.
Be in the right event!
Some platforms are great at some things and just not up to par as others. You wouldn't put Usain Bolt into the long distance running, but for the 100m he's definitely your man. On a similar path, you wouldn't expect a Squarespace or Wordpress platform to deliver you a gold medal for e-commerce (even if they have that functionality). We use the Drupal platform to give the user the functionality and speed they require. Finding the right platform for what you want to achieve is key.
Train, train... and train!
We want our websites to do so much for us but a lot of the time we don't have the training to make this happen. Koda Web provides training and support to get you and your website in the best shape and keep your content up to date, fresh and relevant. Training for the 100m and the 400m is different, you may have knowledge on loading content and some design but if you want it to appeal to certain users you may need that additional training to compete! But don't worry, learning to use Drupal is much easier than becoming a world-class 100m sprinter!
Know your competition
You want to beat your competition you can find what they are weak at and exploit it. They may have a great site and use AdWords constantly to get traffic, but you may be able to improve your content to appear above them in AdWords displays, climb higher than them on the Google rankings and be all over social media where they don't have a presence! Give Koda Web a call or message on our Contact Us page to find out what you can be doing to compete at a high level.
No illegal enhancements!
Russia has suffered before the 2016 Olympics and rumours of a USA scandal have circulated, the use of illegal enhancements can be just as bad for your websites as it is for the Olympians. It can be hard to compete with already established sites and a promise from an SEO company that they can get you to the top of Google quickly can be tempting! Unfortunately, some of these ways are considered "black hat" and can have your website blacklisted by Google / Bing and ruin the efforts you have been making for a long time. It is also difficult to view and measure the success of these techniques so you may be penalised by something that may have had no effect on results. Sometimes it's best to keep things simple!
Although none of us here at Koda Web have competed at the Olympics, we know our web design and development well, if we do say so ourselves. Give us a call of +64 9 448 1215 or send us a message on our Contact Us page to see how Koda can help you with your web needs!