Normally Google's SEO algorithm changes are small and continuous, which doesn't require any announcement but this week is very different. They've announced some of the biggest changes yet that will affect every businesses website across the globe. As of April 21st, having a responsive site, meaning that your site is compatible to everything from laptops to tablets to phones, will significantly benefit a sites ranking factor when a user searches on Google.

And you can't have a 'sort of' mobile friendly site as well. It either is or isn't and if a site isn't mobile friendly, they'll see huge drops in their search rankings, not only with mobile but also with desktop searches. We've written before about the importance of being responsive in order to convert sales and to improve overall customer experience, this just adds to the ever increasing list of why it is important to have a truly responsive website. 

You can test if your website is considered truly responsive by Google here:

We have been including responsive themes with the websites we build for the last three years. Its interesting to see how these have evolved from purely altering your core website display for a smaller screen to now tailoring the content we display based on the device being used. There is science behind the design and development of an effective responsive theme.

The Koda team has experience in applying a responsive theme to older Drupal websites, whether you are looking for a mobile (Google) friendly theme for your new website development or to be applied to your older website, we can assist!

Contact us to find out more.